Ballistic Deposition Model

Google result of “Ballistic Deposition Model”:
R.N. Tait, T. Smy, and M.J. Brett, A Ballistic Deposition Model for Films Evaporated Over Topography", Thin Solid Films, 187, (1990) 375-384. : (no online issue)

Phys. Rev. E 60, 1262?1268 (1999) Growth kinetics and morphology of a ballistic deposition model that incorporates surface diffusion for two species
One of the successful theoretical approaches to describe the BD model is that of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation [7], which is a nonlinear equation for the local growth of the profile h(r,t) of a moving interface about a (d-1)-dimensional flat substrate. (右辺第一項が拡散、第三項がGaussianノイズを表す)

[1]Dynamics of fractal surfaces / edited by Fereydoon Family, Tam?s Vicsek
[7] M. Kardar, G. Parisi, and Y. C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 889 (1986).